
【30 Credits, Excluding 4 Credits for Thesis】
  1. Total of 30 credits (excluding 4 credits for the thesis).

  2. For the academic years 108-109, mandatory courses consist of 6 credits; specialized electives require 24 credits. Starting from the academic year 110, mandatory courses are reduced to 3 credits, and specialized electives are increased to 26 credits.

  3. Additionally, thesis composition requires the selection of two sessions of "Academic Issue Seminars," but these sessions are not included in the graduation credits.

Cross-Department (Group) Course Credit Certification Application Form (Up to 6 Credits).

【Graduation Requirements】

Graduation Thresholds:

(I) Thesis Presentation Graduation Requirements (Choose One of the Following):

  1. Publish at least one paper related to Chinese literature research in domestic or international academic journals. (For those not yet published, proof of acceptance is required).

  2. Orally present at least one paper related to Chinese literature research at a conference.

(II) Participation in Academic Activities Graduation Requirements:

  1. Attend at least 3 conferences (including forums) related to Chinese language and literature held internally or externally.

  2. Participate in at least 15 special topic lectures, with a total duration of 30 hours or more.

(III) Starting from the academic year 112, newly enrolled students must pass both the "Thesis Presentation Graduation Requirements" and the "Participation in Academic Activities Graduation Requirements." Students enrolled from the academic year 107 to 111 only need to pass the "Thesis Presentation Graduation Requirements."

【Academic Research Ethics Education Course】

Upon successful completion of the Academic Research Ethics Course with a score of 80 or above, candidates are eligible to register and apply for the degree examination.

【Submission begins in the third week of the third semester after enrollment and must be completed no later than the end of the fourth semester.】

The criteria for the qualification of thesis examination committee members are recognized by the Regulations for the Master's Degree Examination of this department, Article 5, Paragraph 3, and Paragraph 4: (Approved in the meeting of department affairs on April 7, 111)

Paragraph 3: "Holds a doctoral degree and has achieved academic excellence." Committee members are required to submit a list of publications and teaching or relevant experiences.

Paragraph 4: "Specializes in a rare, specific academic field or belongs to a professional practice with achievements in academia or the profession." Committee members must have engaged in professional work related to Chinese literature creation, research, editing, publishing, and cultural and historical work for more than seven years. Professional work experience refers to full-time service, and part-time service is calculated as half. Other special cases will be reviewed by the department's academic evaluation committee for qualification.


  1. Thesis Advisor Appointment Application Form and Advisor's Consent Form

  2. Co-Advisor Appointment Application Form and Co-Advisor's Consent Form

  3. Change of Thesis Advisor Application Form

Thesis Proposal Review and Oral Examination

Candidates must have completed a minimum of twenty credits (inclusive), the Academic Research Ethics Education Course, and have confirmed their thesis advisor and selected a research topic. The chosen thesis topic and content should align with the expertise of the department.

Two Weeks Before the Oral Examination

Two weeks before the oral examination (excluding Saturdays and Sundays), please fill out the form online to confirm the examination committee, date, time, and venue. (Please email or call to confirm whether the department has received it. Subsequently, you will receive the application form sent by the department.)

Explanation of the thesis and abstract should be sent in Word file format to the department chair, (Please indicate your student ID, name, and application for thesis proposal review in the subject line.)

Upon receiving the "Application Form" from the department, print out the form, sign it in writing, then ask the advisor to sign and approve the application for proposal review. Check the box to confirm that the thesis topic and content align with the department's expertise. Attach the original transcript and proof of completing the ethics course, and submit it to the department chair for review.

After the department chair's approval, an "Invitation Letter" will be sent to the student to be forwarded to the examination committee.

Please confirm if it is the first time for the committee member to come to NTHU for the oral examination. If yes, please have the committee member fill out and sign the "Consent Form for External Individuals to Receive Payments" and provide a copy of the personal bank or postal account cover to the treasury for documentation.

The department will pay 1000 NT dollars for the oral examination fee for two internal and external committee members. Transportation expenses will be reimbursed based on the "Guidelines for Reimbursement of Domestic Travel Expenses." If the budget is insufficient, the department, institute, or college will cover the additional costs, and a separate application for additional funding will be submitted if needed.

On the Day of the Oral Examination

Please prepare the venue and equipment in advance, and collect the printed oral examination-related documents from the department office: (Due to the need for a weekend examination, please complete the above tasks by Friday)

  1. (1) Print the appointment letter (for examination committee members and advisor). (2) Print the proposal review opinion form (for examination committee members and advisor). (3) Print the comprehensive proposal review result form (1 copy). (4) Print the attendance list (1 copy). (5) Print an A4 poster (1 copy).

  2. After the faculty evaluation, please have the advisor collect the documents and notify the graduate students to retrieve them from the department office. (For examinations held on weekends or holidays, please discuss with the advisor regarding the retrieval of examination documents.)

    (1) Proposal evaluation opinion form (for examination committee members and advisor). (2) Comprehensive proposal review result form (1 copy). (3) Attendance list (1 copy). (4) Consent form for external individuals to receive payments, photocopy of bank book cover (for committee members without an account within the university).

  3. Clean up the venue, restore it to its original state, tidy up, turn off the power, air conditioning, lock doors and windows, and return the key.

Master's Thesis Degree Examination

  1. Students who have studied for at least one academic year (including) or more, have completed the required courses and credits specified by the department by the end of the current semester, passed the thesis proposal oral examination, and met the graduation requirements with the approval of the thesis advisor.

  2. There must be a minimum of 3 months between the approval of the thesis proposal review and the thesis defense.

  3. Deadline for Oral Examination Dates: First Semester (1/31), Second Semester (7/31).

  4. If the departure procedures are not completed before the registration day of the following semester (excluding the first day of classes), the oral examination for that session will be considered invalid.

One Month Before the Oral Examination

  1. One month before the oral examination: Log in to the school's homepage "Academic Information System" > "Graduate Degree Examination" > "Registration." Fill in the required information, print the "Recommendation Letter" (at this stage, it is not yet verified by the department, so only partial printing is allowed). One week before the oral examination, confirm whether you have received the email notification stating "Thesis Defense Application Form has been verified."

  2. Complete the online form to confirm the oral examination committee, date, time, and venue. Please email or call to confirm whether the department has received it. Subsequently, you will receive the "Master's Degree Oral Examination Application Form" sent by the department.

  3. Email the full text and abstract of the thesis to the department chair,, for review. (In the subject, please specify student ID, name, and application for the master's degree examination.)

  4. Submit the following hardcopy documents to the department office:

  • (1) Master's Degree Oral Examination Application Form (sent by the department or notified for pickup; signed by the advisor, with checkboxes for 1. Passing the similarity check with less than 30%, 2. Confirming that the thesis topic and content align with the department's expertise).
  • (2) Advisor's Recommendation Letter (printed from the Academic Information System, signed by the advisor).
  • (3) Original transcripts of academic records.
  • (4) Proof of meeting graduation requirements.
  • (5) "Thesis Similarity Check Report" (excluding footnotes and references; application for Turnitin service is required, with a similarity threshold of less than 30% to be eligible for oral examination).
  • (6) If parking is needed, complete the "Application Form for Vehicles for Specific Events Organized by Each Unit at National Tsing Hua University" at the Campus Police website [].

5. After the department chair's approval, send the "Invitation Letter" and oral examination forms to the examination committee members. Confirm whether external committee members need to provide account information for reimbursement to the Treasury.

One Week Before the Oral Examination

  1. Confirm the receipt of the email notification stating "Thesis Defense Application Form has been verified."

  2. Log in again to the "Academic Information System" to confirm the department's approval. After approval, the following forms will be printed by the department office (Print path: Academic Information System > Graduate > Degree Examination Report):

  • (1) Oral Examination Score Sheet (number of committee members + advisor).
  • (2) Committee Review Form (one copy) - jointly signed by the oral examination committee.
  • (3) Appointment Letters (number of committee members + advisor) - sent by EMAIL to the oral examination committee.
  • (4) Oral Examination List - sent to the department office for recording, must be accompanied by the complete Oral Examination Score Sheet.
  • (5) Master's Degree Examination Committee List - printed uniformly by the department office for submission to the registration section.
  • (6) Academic Ethics Declaration Form - submitted when leaving the school.

These forms can be printed from the "Academic Information System" after the department has verified the application. The department office will send these forms to the student.

On the Day of the Oral Examination

  1. Please prepare the venue, equipment, and relevant documents in advance. (If the examination is held on a weekend, please complete the tasks by Friday.)

  • (1) Oral Examination Score Sheet (number of committee members + advisor)
  • (2) Committee Review Form (one copy)
  • (3) List of Oral Examination Fees (one copy) - provided by the department office
  • (4) List of Thesis Supervision Fees for the Advisor (one copy) - provided by the department office
  • (5) A4 Poster – Post it at the entrance of the venue (not required for online examinations) - provided by the department office

2. After the teachers have completed the oral examination scores, please have the advisor collect the documents and notify the graduate students to retrieve them from the department office or arrange for sealed delivery back to the department office. In the case of oral examinations held on holidays, please discuss with the advisor the procedures for document retrieval. If there are modifications to the thesis title, students must reprint the advisor's "Recommendation Letter" and "Review Form" and have the oral examination committee members sign them.

  • (1) Committee Review Form (one copy)
  • (2) Oral Examination Score Sheet (number of committee members + advisor)
  • (3) List of Oral Examination Fees (one copy)
  • (4) List of Thesis Supervision Fees for the Advisor (one copy)
  • (Additional documents for external committee members without an account within the university: Consent form for external committee members to receive payments, photocopy of bank book cover)
  • (Additional documents if there are modifications to the thesis title: Advisor's Recommendation Letter, Committee Review Form, and Academic Ethics Declaration Form – reprint if necessary)

3. Clean up the venue, restore it to its original state, tidy up, turn off the power, air conditioning, lock doors and windows, and return the key.

Finalizing Thesis Review/Uploading Thesis

  1. Those who have completed the thesis review should sign and submit the "National Tsing Hua University Thesis Declaration of Academic Ethics" to the department office for record. Obtain photocopies of the "Advisor's Recommendation Letter" and "Committee Review Form" (the department office keeps the original). Please personally make photocopies and bind them into the final version of the uploaded thesis.

  2. The department office will forward three original copies of the committee evaluation form, one photocopy of the committee review form, one copy of the thesis score registration form, and one revised thesis to the registration section for grade registration.

  3. Students should upload the thesis on the library website. After approval by the department and the library, print the authorization form, sign it, and bind it with the thesis.

  4. Number of hardbound thesis copies and submission locations:

  • (1) Advisor and examination committee members (students are responsible for mailing; 3 copies for a single advisor, 4 copies for dual advisors)
  • (2) Department office: 1 copy
  • (3) Library, Nanda Campus: 1 copy
  • (4) Office of Academic Affairs, Nanda Campus (registration section): 1 copy (After uploading the thesis to the library system, submit it to the registration section along with the degree examination score sheet one week before leaving the campus.)
  • (5) Student's personal copy: 1 copy

Leaving Campus Procedures

  1. Log in to the "Academic Information System" to initiate the graduation and leaving campus procedures. Sequentially complete the required procedures for each unit.

  2. Submit the following documents to the department office:

  • (1) One hardbound copy of the thesis.
  • (2) Email the final version of the thesis electronically to the department office at "" (Include the student's ID, name, and thesis title in the file name. Alternatively, bring the file when coming to the office for submission).
  • (3) Fill out the online departure procedure form.
  1. After completing the online graduation and departure procedures, present your student ID to the registration section to collect the graduation certificate starting from the end of the month in which the oral examination took place.

**Note: If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Chen during office hours (8:30 AM to 12:00 PM, 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM) either by visiting the department office, calling at 03-5213132#72601, or emailing